Red Dragon

ParishDinas Mawddwy
OwnersMathew Francis, Robert Northley, John Sunley, W H Smith and others [Bick 1990: 18]
Production and Employment
RemainsVarious remains associated with goldmining operations [Hall 1986].

Started as a lead mine in 1852. In late 1853 the shareholders’ attention was directed to the importance of some black mineral, claimed to be in inexhaustible supply, and of value for the manufacture of paint [Hall 1986: 81]. The “black mineral … of value for the manufacture of paint” suggests a manganese deposit. However, it is not known whether the mine was ever worked for manganese.

Worked as a gold mine 1854–1850s. The gold “was supposed to occur in a peculiar black deposit [the black mineral refered to by Hall above?] which was perhaps associated with the Bala Limestone”. [Bick 1990: 18]

Note that [GAT SMR: 21066] gives the location of this mine as SH889195 in Cwm Dyniewyd near Llanmawddwy about 5km north-east of Dinas Mawddwy, possibly based on Bick’s [1990: 19] supposition about the location, later ammended [Bick 1990: 52].