
LocationSH644367 ?
RemainsWooded valley with bramble undergrowth. Manganese bed referred to below not found. (December 2005)

Bed found by Halse and opened up at his suggestion but no ore was produced [Halse 1887: 111].

The location shown above is based on the description by Halse [1887: 111] of the outcrop as being “on the north side of the dingle, and close to the banks of the stream which for a long way forms the southern boundary of the Hendrecerrig and Aberdeunant farms”. Down [1980: 67] and in [GAT SMR: 21829] give the location of SH644377 which does not correspond with this description at all.

There are a number of workings and trials (marked as “Lead” on the 1890 6" map [OS 1st edn: XIX NE]) on the north side of the stream in Coed Caerwych at SH641368 and SH643366 and there are stumps of dry-stone launder pillars (SH644365) and a large masonry structure which probably contained (or was intended to contain) a water wheel (SH645365). Wilkinson [2003] records Aberdaunant and Hedregeryg copper mine and Caerwych copper mine, both at SH643368. The latter mine is recorded as a lead/gold? mine at SH646365 [GAT SMR: 6720664].