Garth Hill

Alternative names
LocationSH847390 ? [Halse 1892: pl LXI fig. 1]
OwnerMr Collins
Workedearly 1870s
Production and Employment
TransportCartage to Bala(?) railway station.

Worked in a vein dipping at 52° 6 feet (1.9m) wide for 100 feet (30m) length and 60 feet (18m) depth. The manganese content of the ore was 44%.

Dressed ore was carted 13–14 miles (~ 22 km) to a railway station (this pre-dates the GWR line from Bala to Blaenau Ffestiniog which opened to Llan Ffestiniog in 1882) and sold for £11 per ton.

[Halse 1892: 946]