Anna Maria

1862  Barmouth Consols Copper, Silver-Lead & Gold Mining Co. Ltd
1888Streeter & Co agent W R Streeter
1900E J Lawrence

Recorded as a lead and copper mine [Wilkinson 2003: 13903] and as a gold mine [Wilkinson 2003: 14516], the sett consists of five adits near the railway over a distance of three or four hundred yards. Numbering from the south, adit no. 2 is shown as a manganese trial on the 25 inch Ordnance map of 1887. [Bick 1990: p. 11]

In January 1887 the consulting engineer for the Cambrian Railways reported that he had given a Mr David Gilbert permission to search for manganese ore. However, the railway committee refused to ratify his decision [Green 1996: 189]. Considering the map record of the manganese level mentioned above, it is possible that a trial for manganese had already been made before this permision was sought.